The Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations hosted by the Ambani’s was a star-studded affair. Orhan Awatramani, popularly known as Orry, once again grabbed the spotlight. Known for his high-profile outings with star kids, trendsetting fashion, and notably, his quirky phone cases, the internet sensation never fails to make a memorable impression. At the Ambani event, Orry flaunted his unique phone case that complement his vibrant style. The eye-catchy phone case perfectly coordinated with his elegant desi look. As he posed for the paparazzi, the case was impossible to miss. Prakash Padukone and Jagjit Singh Bhavnani’s Pic From Ambani’s Ganesh Chaturthi Celebrations Goes Viral Amid Deepika Padukone’s Hospital Visit.
Orry and His Quirky Phone Case
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