Sanju's trailer has landed and it has left everyone spellbound. Sanjay Dutt's life is already something of an enigma, and director Rajkumar Hirani has managed to bring the controversial parts of his life on the screen. It looks well-directed and the cast looks excellent. Above all, Sanju feels a testament that Ranbir Kapoor is brilliant. Not once did we feel (at least) in the trailer that Ranbir has tried to mimic Sanjay Dutt, instead he has done his best to get inside the skin of the controversial actor.
When it comes to Ranbir Kapoor's best performances and movies, the ones that come to our mind will be Barfi, Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani, Wake Up Sid, Rocket Singh: Salesman of the Year, Raajneeti and to some extent, Jagga Jasoos. But his doting mother feels one of his biggest duds is the greatest film ever made. Ranbir Kapoor made this revelation during the trailer launch of Sanju where he said that while his father, Rishi Kapoor, is quite critical of his work, his mother, Neetu Singh, loves all his works. Even Bombay Velvet!
Ranbir revealed, "My mother is my biggest fan, whatever I do she loves. When she saw 'Bombay Velvet' she thought it was the greatest film in the world." Moms are the best, aren't they?
Talking more about Sanju, the movie also stars Paresh Rawal, Manisha Koirala, Sonam Kapoor, Vicky Kaushal, Boman Irani, Sayaji Shinde and Anushka Sharma. The movie will release on June 29.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 30, 2018 08:06 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website