Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas' wedding diaries have been grabbing the headlines for months now. Even though their extravagant wedding in Jodhpur's Umaid Bhavan took place in December 2018, the inside pictures and videos are still emerging on social media. The recent comment by Nick on his series of ceremonies that took place in Indian as well as Christian rituals. Did the groom ever feel tired or was he ever overwhelmed by the never-ending ceremonies? Nick Jonas responds to it with a hilarious reason! This Cute Jonas Was Not Very Approving About Priyanka Chopra’s Addition to the Family, Find Out Why.
“Was there a point during your many weddings that you thought, ‘I’m done with these weddings?", asked James Corden on his show 'The Late Late Show with James Corden.' On this, the Sucker singer laughed and said, "Yes, “It was when I looked at the bill!"
Well, we're sure that all this was in the jest and the Jonas family enjoyed the ceremonies as much as the Chopra family did! After all, those 24 karat smiles in their pictures are the solid proof of the same.
Meanwhile, after releasing Sucker video, The Jonas Brothers are all set to release more 40 songs. We are not sure whether PeeCee will be a part of it or not though! Meanwhile, desi girl is back in Bollywood bay with her team of co-actors from The Sky is Pink. The crew recently flew off to Andaman and Nicobar Islands and posted fun pictures from the beautiful beach there. This flick is directed by Shonali Bose and also stars Farhan Akhtar and Zaira Wasim in the lead. Stay tuned with us for more updates.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 08, 2019 03:22 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website