Bollywood's singing sensation Neha Kakkar and actor Himanshu Kohli make a lovely couple, don't they? The duo, who has been keeping their relationship under wraps and denying the dating reports, confirmed their relationship on the national platform, Indian Idol 10. In front of the entire nation, the two finally opened up about their relationship and revealed that they have been together for four years now since Yaariyan happened. However, their relationship was an open secret in B-town, thanks to the extra dose of PDA on their respective social media handle that gave it away. Himanshu and Neha, who never shies away from social media PDA, are always seen sharing adorable pictures of them together, while fans have not been able to stop themselves from gushing over their pictures. Neha Kakkar and Himansh Kohli Finally Confirm Their Relationship, Well Sort Of
Today being Himanshu's birthday, the singer took to the photo-sharing app to share an adorable picture of the two and captioned the post as, "Happy Birthday Happiness!! ♥️😇 @kohlihimansh The World Needs More Men Like You! Im Lucky I have You.. Love You Heeman 🤗😘 #HimanshKohli #NehaKakkar."
Check out Neha's cute birthday post for Himanshu here:
Here goes their social media PDA!
On the professional front, Himanshu Kohli, who made his acting debut in Divya Khosla Kumar’s 2014 directorial Yaariyan, was last seen in Keshhav Panneriy's Jeena Isi Ka Naam Hai. Meanwhile, Neha Kakkar is currently seen on Indian Idol 10 as one of the judges. How do like them as a jodi. Share your thoughts in the comment section below. Stay tuned to LatestLY for further updates.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 03, 2018 05:45 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website