Veteran actress Neetu Kapoor, who met singer Neha Kakkar during a recent shoot of Indian Idol season 12, congratulated the singer on her recent wedding. Neetu said that she has always shared a great equation with Neha, not just professionally, but personally as well. Aur Pyaar Karna Hai: Neha Kakkar, Guru Randhawa’s Tragic Love Story Get a Happy Ending That You Won't Even Have Imagined (Watch Video).
"Neha is just not a singer but a beautiful soul and she is just like a daughter to me. My blessings are always going to be with her wherever she would be," she said. A deeply-touched Neha responded by thanking Neetu, who also gave her 'shaadi ka shagun'. Neha Kakkar Expecting First Child With Rohanpreet Singh! Jay Bhanushali, Tony Kakkar, Harshdeep Kaur Congratulate The Parents-To-Be.
"I am just speechless, receiving a blessing from such a renowned actress is the best thing that has ever happened to me in this entire journey. I will keep it with me my entire life," Neha said. The popular singer married singer Rohanpreet Singh in October last year. The wedding was an elaborate affair with multiple functions. She had also come up with her album titled 'Nehu Da Vyah', which also featured Rohanpreet.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 24, 2021 05:02 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website