Bollywood actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui who got involved in the Call Detail Record (CDR) scam yesterday, has now rubbished dismissed the claims slapped against him. He maintains that the claims are false and random. The Kahani actor took to Twitter where he questioned the media for grilling even when he is not involved in the scam.

In his defense the 43 year old stated that he accompanied his daughter, Shora, to her school for an exhibition when this event supposedly happened. “Last evening, I was helping my daughter to prepare her school project Hydroelectric Power Generator and went to her school this morning for Project Exhibition. To my surprise, the media had questions about some random allegations on me #Disgust,” tweeted  Nawaz and he even posted some pictures with his daughter showcasing getting engrossed in the project with her dad.

This occurrence came to light when Thane's crime branch had arrested 11 people in connection with sourcing call data records illegally. It is with regards to this case that Nawazuddin Siddiqui's name had popped up. Apparently, the people who have been arrested are private investigators. It was alleged that Nawazuddin Siddiqui had hired one of them to allegedly spy on his wife Anjali.

Reports also indicated that the Mumbai Police had summoned him for questioning as a part of the routine  investigations, but the actor failed to appear in front of the investigation team.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 10, 2018 04:42 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website