Mission Mangal, which came out last Thursday, has already become Akshay Kumar's third highest-grossing film ever. Yes, the movie has been unstoppable at the Indian box office ever since it released on Independence Day. Though the multi-starrer space drama wasn't a solo release, it has still managed to pack a solid punch at the ticket windows in India. After taking the second biggest opening of the year and surpassing the lifetime business of Jolly LLB 2, Mission Mangal is now Akki's third highest grosser to date. On Friday, the movie was benefited because of Janmashtami celebrations and therefore raked in Rs 7.83 crore, bringing its total collection to Rs 135.99 crore. Mission Mangal Box Office Collection Day 8: Akshay Kumar Starrer Has a Solid Extended Week 1, Rakes in Rs 128.16 Crore
Announcing the film's updated figures, well-known trade analyst Taran Adarsh took to Twitter just a while back and wrote, "#MissionMangal witnesses growth on [second] Fri... Got a boost due to #Janmashtami festivities... Will hit ₹ 150 cr + cross *lifetime biz* of #Kesari *this weekend* [Akshay Kumar’s second highest grossing film]... [Week 2] Fri 7.83 cr. Total: ₹ 135.99 cr. India biz."
Adarsh also tweeted, "Akshay Kumar’s highest grossing films...1. #2Point0 [#Hindi] 2. #Kesari 3. #MissionMangal.. #MissionMangal will stake claim on No 2 position *this weekend*... Will #MissionMangal dethrone #2Point0 [#Hindi] from No 1 spot, only time will tell. India biz." Mission Mangal Box Office Collection Day 7: Akshay Kumar's Latest Outing Surpasses the Lifetime Business of Jolly LLB 2, Collects Rs 121.23 Crore
Further, Boxofficeindia.com has reported, "Mission Mangal is a SUPER HIT film as collections went up on its second Friday due to Janmashtami. The minor holiday gave the film a good boost. It was the same for Batla House which also went up on its second Friday. The fact that there was little competition barring The Angry Birds 2 which had poor collections also helped the cause of both films."
Also starring Vidya Balan, Taapsee Pannu, Sonakshi Sinha, Kirti Kulhari, Nithya Menen and Sharman Joshi in the lead, Mission Mangal is expected to perform well not only over the second weekend but also on the weekdays as there has been no release this week. The movie could end its theatrical run in India around Rs 200 crore.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 24, 2019 10:59 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).