In July there were reports that Janhvi Kapoor sold her Juhu’s triplex apartment to Rajkummar Rao for Rs 44 crore. And now the buzz is rife that the Mili actress has purchased a lavish duplex apartment in Bandra for a whopping Rs 65 crore. As per reports, the apartment she purchased is on Pail Hill’s Union Park Road. Her newly purchased apartment is spread over 8,669 square feet built up area. The Kapoors reportedly registered the deal on October 12 with a stamp duty of Rs 3.90 crore. Rajkummar Rao Buys Janhvi Kapoor’s Luxurious Juhu Flat for a Whopping Rs 44 Crore – Reports.
Janhvi Kapoor’s Plush Duplex In Bandra
Janhvi Kapoor's family buys Rs 65-crore duplex in Mumbai's Bandra #PaliHill #JanhviKapoor #Mumbai #Inox #BoneyKapoor #KhushiKapoor #KubelisqueBuilding
— ETRealty (@Realty_Et) November 4, 2022
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