Actress Saloni Chopra recently revealed shocking details of alleged sexual misconduct by director Sajid Khan. She described how he asked her uncomfortable questions during an interview like ‘do you masturbate’ and ‘how many times’ After she shared her ordeal with, here is another actress who accused Sajid of the similar misbehaviour. She told in a series of tweets that he asked her to strip down to bikini and even asked her to seduce him in 5 mins at his home.
In a series of tweets, the Ungli actress claimed, “He asks me to strip for him bcoz there were scenes in a bikini and he needed to see how I looked. I replied saying “there are pics of me in bikinis sent to u, I think that should good for u” n wen he insisted I said “I’m ready to parade ur office in a bikini nt at home. Finally, he goes "listen no one has a problem with these things" (and obviously names people) and that if I could seduce him in 5 mins the role was mine", as reported in DNA. #MeToo Hits Sajid Khan! Former Assistant Director Reveals Bollywood Filmmaker Asked Her To Get Breast Job Done And Send Bikini Photos.
The actress was sent to meet the director by the agency for his film ‘Humshakals’. She said that she ended this meet by saying that she was not mentally prepared for what happened and left his house. Not just Sajid Khan but other actors like Nana Patekar, Kailash Kher, Alok Nath, Luv Ranjan, Rajat Kapoor, Vikas Bahl, Abhijeet Bhattacharya are some of the known celebs who have been accused of sexual misconduct under the raging #MeToo movement.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 12, 2018 11:27 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website