While many women not only from Bollywood but from the other industries as well, have been taking to social media to narrate their horrifying #MeToo stories, the latest we hear from is the former Miss India, who has written an open letter, sharing her side of the story with Bollywood actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui. Earlier today, Journalist Sandhya Menon took to the micro-blogging site to share Niharika’s #MeToo stories and wrote, "2005 Miss India Niharika Singh's experiences in Bollywood but especially with Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Mayank Singh Singvi. Niharika and other women accused Siddiqui of making up lies in his autobiography, due to which he withdrew the book. This is her side of the story." Koffee With Karan 6: Aamir Khan Talks About #MeToo Movement and Being the First One in the Industry to Take an Action

For the uninitiated, Bollywood actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui's biography titled An Ordinary Life: A Memoir was embroiled in controversies after the actor revealed that he was in a romantic relationship with his Miss Lovely co-star Niharika Singh. However, accusing Siddiqui of making up lies in his autobiography, Niharika said that the book was published without her knowledge. Later, the book was withdrawn from the stalls.

Niharika's open letter read, "Nowaz(Nawaz) had engaged multiple women, giving each one a different story; one of them even called me from his phone and started yelling at me. I also found about out about a woman he'd married in Haldwani whose family sued him for making dowry demands. I told him to clean up his mess, be honest with himself and everyone around him." She further added, "He was apologetic for his past behaviour, told me he'd worked on issues, dissolved his first marriage and married second time."

Calling Nawaz prejudiced over caste, she wrote, "Nawaz being an aspirational, sexually repressed Indian man whose toxic male entitlement grew with his success is hardly surprising. What is interesting to note that despite not identifying as a Hindu, he carries deep caste prejudices since he chose to protect the honour of his 'Brahmin' wife after their names came in CDR scam, while he felt very comfortable painting me as a seductress wearing faux fur in his book, who he could sexually exploit, for public imagination."

Here's Niharika Singh's version of story:

After the former actress accused Nana Patekar of sexually harassing her on the sets of Horn Ok Please, many women were encouraged to talk about their horrifying #MeToo stories. Speaking of the former actress, many celebrities came out in support of her, while some slammed her allegations and a few took a diplomatic stand on the case. Watch this space for further updates.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 09, 2018 10:13 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).