Akshay Kumar's multi-starrer project, Housefull 4 is in deep trouble. After the recent allegations against the film's director, Sajid Khan, the makers and even the actor himself decided to stall its shooting for some days. Sajid even issued a statement on how he's willing to step down as the director until he's proven innocent. His move was expected since sexual misconduct is the topic of the hour and there's no way to escape it. However, his decision might have influenced Nana Patekar now. #MeToo Movement: Sajid Khan Sacked From Housefull 4 by Akshay Kumar and Sajid Nadiadwala Post Sexual Harassment Allegations?

We earlier revealed how Nana Patekar is willing to step down from the cast of Housefull 4 since an FIR has been registered under his name. However his son, Malhar has just confirmed the same news to ANI. He said, “Nana saheb thought of the convenience of everybody as he wishes the best for the producer & the crew & hence felt that stepping out of the project would be an appropriate thing to do at this point of time.”The actor who was earlier adamant on being innocent and wrongly framed is now willing to leave the project and we wonder if Sajid is the reason behind it. Nana even held a press conference to put forward his side and tag all the claims by Tanushree as baseless. We really hope the makers take a firm stand in his case and come to a judgement accordingly. #MeToo Movement: Bollywood Actress Who Accused Nana Patekar of Sexual Harassment Says Police Omitted Parts of Her Statement.

#MeToo movement is slowly gaining momentum in India and no big names are spared. From Vikas Bahl to Subhash Ghai and Kailash Kher, every celebrity is accused of some horrendous act that's hard to imagine and difficult to believe. Let's hope the movement brings some good change in the industry where women are not abused but protected.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 12, 2018 09:22 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).