Bollywood actress Meera Chopra recently shared a shocking video of maggots in her food. The incidents of the modish hotels serving expensive or spoilt food have been increasing day by day. In another such incident, there were worms found and clearly visible in the food served at Ahmedabad's DoubleTree by Hilton hotel. The actress was staying in this hotel for a week and now has called for action against the authorities here. Rahul Bose’s Viral Video on Banana Bill Prompts Taj Hotels to Offer Free Fruits to the Guests, Twitterati Lauds the Move.

She shared a video, in which we can spot maggots in food that she ordered. In the video, she states that she fell sick while staying here and now she knows the reason.

In her caption, the Section 375 actress has tagged the official accounts and asked for help from FSSAI. She wrote, "Staying in @doubletree in ahembdabad. @doubletreeahmedabad And got maggots in my food. U pay bomb fr these hotels nd they feed u maggots. Its so shocking @fssai_safefood plz take some immediate action. Where are the health safety regulations now!! #maggots #doubletreebyhilton." The fans were aghast to find such careless service in such a costly hotel and have bashed the owners. Check out the video below.

Video Shared by Meera Chopra

Just a few weeks earlier, Bollywood actor Rahul Bose also shared his experience of staying in a five-star hotel. He was charged Rs 442 for a pair of bananas in this posh hotel in Chandigarh. He shared the video of the same and the netizens slammed the hotel owners.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 25, 2019 01:53 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website