The Ek Villain duo, Sidharth Malhotra and Riteish Deshmukh, reunites for yet another masala entertainer Marjaavaan. The film heads for a theatrical release in India for November 15. The trailer of this Milap Zaveri directorial got mixed reviews from the viewers and it would be interesting to see how it performs at the box-office. Riteish Deshmukh's last outing Housefull 4 entered the Rs 200 crores club, according to the producers. On the other hand, Sidharth Malhotra couldn't manage to pull off a hit film after his last outing Jabariya Jodi alongside Parineeti Chopra. However, when the two came together in Ekta Kapoor's Ek Villain, it crossed the Rs 100 crores mark. With Marjaavan, the makers would expect a similar feat. Nushrat Bharucha’s Song from Sidharth Malhotra’s Marjaavaan Removed and Replaced with Nora Fatehi’s Ek to Kam Zindgani.
Although Marjaavan is the only Bollywood film releasing this Friday, it would get some serious competition from last week's release, the Ayushmann Khurrana starrer Bala, which raked Rs 50 crores in just four days. Marjaavan would clash with two big Hollywood releases: Christian Bale and Matt Damon's Ford v Ferrari and Kristen Stewart, Naomi Scott starrer Charlie's Angels. Marjaavan's songs have been well recieved. Just before you plan to watch Marjaavan in a theatre near you, here is everything you need to know about the Sidharth Malhotra, Riteish Deshmukh film. Yo or Hell No? Tara Sutaria’s Beaded Skirt for Marjaavaan Promotions.
Marjaavan stars Sidharth Malhotra as the protagonist and Riteish Deshmukh as the villain of the film. It also stars Tara Sutaria as a mute on-screen love interest of Sidharth. Rakul Preet Singh plays a major role in the film. Ravi Kishan, Shaad Randhawa and Varinder Singh Ghuman star in supporting roles.
The official IMDB synopsis reads as follows: "Marjaavaan is an upcoming Indian action romance film directed by Milap Zaveri starring Ritesh Deshmukh, Sidharth Malhotra, Tara Sutaria and Rakul Preet Singh. The co-producer of the film Bhushan Kumar described the film as 'a violent, dramatic love story'."
Here's the trailer of Marjaavan:
The music of Marjaavan is composed by Tanishk Bagchi, Meet Bros and Payal Dev with lyrics written by Kumaar, Tanishk Bagchi, Kunaal Vermaa, Manoj Muntashir, AM Turaz and Rashmi Virag. Nora Fatehi has a special appearance in the song "Ek Toh Kum Zindagani."
Marjaavaan: Thodi Jagah
Tum Hi Aana
Marjaavan is made on a budget of Rs 25 crores, which includes the print and advertising cost. This means that the Sidharth Malhotra, Riteish Deshmukh film needs to cross the Rs 50 crores mark to be considered a super hit.
Box-Office Prediction
Marjaavan is expected to rock in the single screen. LatestLY predicts Marjaavan's opening day collection to be somewhere between the Rs three and four crore. The film is expected to cross the double-digit mark in the first weekend.
Movie Review
The reviews of Marjaavaan are not out yet. We will be uploading our review of the film soon on LatestLY. So do come back to know our thoughts about this Sidharth Malhotra-Riteish Deshmukh starrer.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 14, 2019 01:09 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website