Fashion designer Manish Malhotra celebrated his 58th birthday on Thursday and Bollywood’s biggest stars took to social media to shower him with love and wishes. The legendary designer, known for his iconic creations and for styling some of the most prominent figures in the industry, received heartfelt birthday greetings from several celebrities, including Kareena Kapoor Khan, Kajol, Ananya Panday, Rakul Preet Singh, and others. While showering birthday love on Manish, Bebo shared a selfie with the designer on her Instagram story and wrote, “happy birthday to my manu…love you loads forever @manishmalhotra.” Manish Malhotra Birthday: From Kareena Kapoor Khan to Suhana Khan, B-town Beauties are Forever in Love With His Designs (View Pics).

Kajal posted a smiling photo of her with Manish and captioned it, “Happy happy birthday @manishmalhotra..may we always smile and laugh like this always..ur the bestest!!

View Kareena Kapoor Khan's Post:

Manish Malhotra and Kareena Kapoor Khan (Photo Credit: Instagram)

View Kajol's Post:

Manish Malhotra and Kajol (Photo Credit: Instagram)

View Rakul Preet Singh's Post:

Rakul Preet Singh and Manish Malhotra (Photo Credit: Instagram)

Rakul extended her greetings by dropping a stylish photo featuring her and Manish. For the caption, she wrote, “Happy happy bdayyyy you lovely person. You are evergreen and ur magical! May the universe keep showering you in abundance with all that you desire and plz tell us how are you getting younger by the day…lots n lots of love ps: we need more pics.”

Ananya Panday posted an unseen photo featuring her, Sara Ai Khan and Manish Malhotra. In the image, the CTRL actress can be seen making a goofy pose. Sharing this candid click on her IG stories, Panday wrote, “Happy Birthday to the best love you MM clearly always ready to celebrate you.”

Among those who wished Manish Malhotra were Shanaya Kapoor and Kiara Advani.

Manish, a celebrated name in the fashion industry, has an estimated net worth of $21 million (approximately Rs160 crore). He is the founder of his eponymous fashion label, which includes haute couture, bridal collections, and diffusion lines.

In addition to his fashion brand, Manish has expanded into high-end jewellery with Manish Malhotra High Jewellery and made his mark in film production through Stage5 Production. Manish Malhotra Diwali Bash 2024: Karan Johar Makes First Public Appearance With Dharma Productions’ New Co-Owner Adar Poonawalla at the Party (Watch Video).

His journey in the film industry began in 1990 with his debut as a costume designer for the film Swarg. He rose to prominence with the 1995 hit Rangeela, where his work was widely praised, earning him the Filmfare Award for Best Costume Design. Manish has styled international celebrities, including Jennifer Aniston.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 05, 2024 02:19 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website