Kangana Ranaut's Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi, which released last Friday on January 25, has ended its first week at the box office on a high note. The period war drama which has been co-directed by Kangana herself witnessed an average opening on day 1. However, the film took full advantage of the big Republic Day holiday and performed exceedingly well over the weekend. Though Kangana starrer couldn't impress the critics big time, the audiences seem to be liking her latest outing. No wonder, Manikarnika has minted over Rs 60 crore in its first week itself. Manikarnika Box Office Collection Day 6: Kangana Ranaut's Film Rakes in Rs 56.90 Crore, Will End Week 1 on a High Note.
Trade analyst Taran Adarsh took to microblogging site Twitter a while back and announced the updated figures. He wrote, "#Manikarnika scores in Week 1... Had excellent weekend [#RepublicDay holiday] and healthy trending on weekdays... Weekend 2 crucial... Fri 8.75 cr, Sat 18.10 cr, Sun 15.70 cr, Mon 5.10 cr, Tue 4.75 cr, Wed 4.50 cr, Thu 4.25 cr. Total: ₹ 61.15 cr. India biz. #Hindi #Tamil #Telugu."
Apart from getting cash registers ringing in India, Manikarnika has also performed well overseas. So much so that it has already crossed the $2 million mark at the overseas box office which is mighty impressive. Manikarnika Overseas Box Office Collection: Kangana Ranaut's Film Crosses $ 2 Million Mark, Mints Rs 14.24 Crore.
Along with Kangana's historical biography, Nawazuddin Siddiqui starrer Thackeray also arrived in theatres on January 25. But the film didn't wow the critics nor the moviegoers and hence couldn't stay strong at the ticket windows. As per BollywoodHungama, the film could very well be out of theatres by next week and will end its run with around Rs 35 crore at the BO.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Feb 01, 2019 11:18 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).