If you happen to be an Akshay Kumar fan, then here comes a piece of good news your way. As after India's Prime Minister, Narendra Modi and South megastar Rajinikanth's participation confirmed on Man VS Wild with Bear Grylls, it's Khiladi Akshay Kumar who is all set to join the league. Yep, you read that right. Going by the latest tweet on ANI, Kumar was clicked at the Mysore airport to shoot for an episode of Man Vs Wild. With this, he also becomes the first Bollywood actor to be part of the series. Man Vs Wild With Rajinikanth! Bear Grylls and Thalaiva Shoot For a Special Episode and We Can't Wait!

This news is huge and we bet that fans of Akshay will be all elated to see him amidst the wild doing something he has never done ever. A Bollywood star walking into the woods, interesting, right? Reportedly, Akki will commence filming for an episode at Bandipur National forest on Thursday. News agency, ANI tweeted, "Karnataka: Actor Akshay Kumar arrived at Mysore, earlier today, to shoot for an episode of 'Man vs Wild' with British adventurer Bear Grylls."Rajinikanth in 'Man Vs Wild' Funny Memes Start Trending Online as Thalaiva Fans Say The Animals Will Have to 'Mind It!'.

See The Tweet Below: 

For the unaware, Man Vs Wild is quite a popular show which airs on Discovery Channel and sees Grylls taking up a challenge to survive in the wild. But the cherry on the cake element is that he is never solo and is always accompanied by a celeb/well-known personality. With food issues, danger everywhere to what not the show takes one and all on a 'real wild journey'. And well, it will be really interesting to see Akshay Kumar and Bear assigned a destination which they need to reach surpassing all the thorns on their way. Stay tuned!

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 30, 2020 08:59 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).