Channelling her Tuesday thoughts to fans Bollywood diva Malaika Arora treated her fans to stunning pool picture on social media. The Chhaiya Chhaiya actor took to Instagram to share a stunning close-up picture of herself exiting the swimming pool, in which the camera focuses on her eyes. Malaika Arora Turns Photographer for Arjun Kapoor; Actor Shares Throwback Pic From Their Goa Vacation

In the picture, where Arora looks alluring and is seen sporting a no make-up look with kohl-rimmed eyes while she effortlessly poses for the lens with her wet hair. Taking to the captions of the post that garnered more than one lakh likes within a few hours of being posted, the 47-year-old wrote, "Rise n shine .... n have a lovely n healthy day" with smiling sun and shining star emoticons. Kareena Kapoor Is Reunited With Her BFFs Malaika Arora, Amrita Arora; Misses Her Sister Karisma Kapoor

Check Out Malaika Arora's Instagram Post Below:


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A post shared by Malaika Arora (@malaikaaroraofficial)

In awe of the stunning photo, fans left red heart and fire emoticons in the comments section.