Bollywood actress Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal tied the knot in an intimate wedding ceremony on June 23 this year. The actress's family and close friends attended the ceremony. The couple's intimate marriage was followed by a grand wedding reception at Bastian, which was attended by several celebrities from B-Town. The Heeramandi actress has been the subject of several pregnancy rumours, prompting her to finally react and offer a clarification. In a recent interview, the actress shut down the speculations with a playful remark. ‘Bacchon Ko Cultural Shock Hota Hai’: Shatrughan Sinha Reveals Why Luv Sinha and Kussh Sinha Didn’t Attend Sonakshi Sinha-Zaheer Iqbal’s Wedding (Watch Video).
Sonakshi Sinha Denies Pregnancy Rumours With Hubby Zaheer Iqbal
Sonakshi Sinha recently sat for a conversation with Curly Tails where she responded to the rumours surrounding her pregnancy. She clarified, "Guys, main yaha par kehna chahti hoon, I'm not pregnant. Mai bas moti ho chuki hoon." (I wanted to say here that I'm not pregnant. I have just put on weight). She continued. "That day somebody congratulated him (Zaheer Iqbal). Can't we enjoy our marriage?" Zaheer Iqbal then added, "The next day her diet started."
Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal
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Sonakshi Sinha continued, saying that it's been only four months since they got married and that they are busy travelling. Their schedules, filled with travel and social gatherings, are so tight that the couple has been barely managing time to focus on anything else. Talking about how the speculations first started, Zaheer Iqbal said, "The funny part is it came out of somewhere. There was a photo of us with our dog, and they were like. 'Is she pregnant?' How is it even related? People are crazy." Sonakshi Sinha’s Brother Luv Sinha Breaks Silence on Skipping Her Wedding To Zaheer Iqbal Amid Rumours of Discord.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Sonakshi Sinha was last seen in the horror-comedy Kakuda. Before that, she starred in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Netflix series Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar, which is currently grabbing headlines for securing 4th position on Google Trends' list of most searched movies and shows of 2024.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 12, 2024 03:38 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website