A man has filed a police complaint against filmmaker-actor Mahesh Manjrekar for allegedly slapping and abusing him after his car hit Manjrekar's vehicle here in Maharashtra, a senior police official said on Sunday. The incident took place on Friday night near Yavat village on Pune-Solapur highway following which police registered a non-cognisable offence against Manjrekar, the official from Yavat police station said. Kangana Ranaut and Sister Rangoli Chandel Get Interim Relief by Bombay HC in Sedition Case Until January 25

The complainant, Kailas Satpute, alleged that his vehicle hit Manjrekar's car from behind after the filmmaker applied sudden brakes, he said.

Manjrekar then stepped out of his car and both of them had an argument, following which the filmmaker allegedly slapped and abused Satpute, the official said. Arjun Rampal’s Sister Komal Summoned By NCB In A Drugs-Related Case

The man later filed a police complaint against Manjrekar. The police registered a non-cognisable offence under relevant Indian Penal Code Sections, the official said. The national award-winning filmmaker has directed critically-acclaimed Hindi films like "Vaastav" and "Astitva", and a number of Marathi movies.