Mahesh Bhatt has been in the eye of the storm since Sushant Singh Rajput's unfortunate death turned into a full-fledged probe. His connections with Rhea Chakraborty has dragged him in this mess. But that isn't the only one. Today, he shared a statement on his production house Vishesh Films' account to National Women commission regarding a complaint filed by social activist and People Against Rapes in India (PARI) founder Yogita Bhayana against the promoter of a company for allegedly blackmailing and sexually assaulting girls with a promise of helping them with their careers. The filmmaker mentioned in the statement that his images were used for promotions of Mr and Miss Glamour 2020 without his consent. Jiah Khan’s Mother Makes Shocking Revelations About Mahesh Bhatt, Claims the Filmmaker Threatened Her At Late Daughter’s Funeral
Bhatt revealed that he has no association with IMG Ventures, Sunny Verma or the event. He has even confronted the event organisers for using his pictures for promotions and they have removed the said ones.
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Bhatt along with many other celebrities like Rannvijay Singh, Prince Narula were sent notices by the National Commission For Women for the same event. As per a report in NDTV, none of them responded to the notices initially which was then deferred to August 18. Bhatt was issued a fresh notice and now he has finally issued a statement.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 18, 2020 02:34 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website