After proving his mettle as an actor with his debut project Maharaj, Aamir Khan's son Junaid Khan will be seen sharing the screen with Khushi Kapoor in the upcoming new-age romantic drama, Loveyapa and the Bollywood superstar is all set to launch the trailer on January 10. The film is slated to be out in the cinema halls on February 7. Adding to the hype, the makers along with Aamir will be releasing the film's trailer on 10 January. ‘Loveyapa’ Song ‘Loveyapa Ho Gaya’: Junaid Khan and Khushi Kapoor’s Fun Chemistry Shines in New Track Sung by Nakash Aziz and Madhubanti Bagchi (Watch Video).

A source close to the film was quoted saying as, "Following the first successful release of Loveyapa's title track, the teaser of the film is now ready for its launch. Aamir Khan will unveil the teaser on the 10th of January 2025. Further details about the launch are yet to be revealed."

Earlier, the makers released the title track from the movie, "Loveyapa Hogaya" featuring the leads Junaid Khan and Khushi Kapoor. Touted to be 'A Love Anthem for the Youth', the song is full of lively beats and relatable lyrics. Made under the direction of Advait Chandan, Loveyapa stars also stars Radhika Sarathkumar, Sathyaraj, Yogi Babu, Eijaz Khan, Raveena Ravi, Adnan Siddiqui, and Swati Verma as the secondary cast. The film revolves around the life of a young couple. Their relationship comes to the test after they exchange their mobile phones and learn some bitter truths about one another. Loveyapa has been jointly produced by the banners Phantom Studios and AGS Entertainment. ‘So Sweet’: Shah Rukh Khan Gives Heartfelt Shoutout to Junaid Khan and Khushi Kapoor for Their Performances in ‘Loveyapa’ Title Track.

The film marks Junaid Khan's theatrical debut as his earlier venture Maharaj, alongside Jaideep Ahlawat, Shalini Pandey, and Sharvari premiered only on Netflix. Maharaj is based on the Maharaj Libel Case of 1862 and Saurabh Shah's novel. In the meantime, Khushi Kapoor stepped into B-town with Zoya Akhtar's The Archies. The movie co-starring Agastya Nanda and Suhana Khan did not perform well with the audience.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 07, 2025 12:07 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website