Shah Rukh Khan, known as the King of Bollywood, enjoys an immense fan following that transcends borders. His popularity often leads to massive crowds wherever he goes. Managing such overwhelming admiration is no easy task, and Yusuf Ibrahim, a prominent celebrity security consultant, recently shared an incident from SRK's visit to Ajmer Sharif in 2011. He revealed how the crowd went uncontrollable at the dargah to see the superstar, forcing the police to resort to a lathi charge to manage the situation. Alia Bhatt-Ranbir Kapoor’s Marriage Was the ‘Toughest’ To Manage, Reveals Celebrity Security Consultant Yusuf Ibrahim; Here’s What Happened!

Bodyguard Yusuf Ibrahim Recalls Shah Rukh Khan's Visit to Ajmer Sharif Dargah

In an interview with Siddharth Kannan, bodyguard Yusuf Ibrahim recounted an incident from a few years ago when Shah Rukh Khan expressed his wish to visit the Ajmer Sharif Dargah in Rajasthan during the hectic IPL (Indian Premier League) season. "During the IPL, Shah Rukh sir wanted to go to Ajmer Sharif dargah. We reached there and the day we selected was wrong, a Friday, and the time was also not right, at 12:30, ekdum peak namaaz ka time. At any given time if you go there on Friday, there will be 10-15K people," he said. Did Shah Rukh Khan Turn Down Dinesh Vijan’s ‘Chamunda’ Opposite Alia Bhatt? Here’s What We Know.

Yusuf Ibrahim Shares Details About SRK's Ajmer Sharif Visit 

As news of SRK's visit spread, Yusuf Ibrahim recalled how the situation quickly escalated into chaos. “When we went there, the whole town of Ajmer knew that Shah Rukh was coming to the dargah. There was so much public, that we were literally standing there, logon ne humko dhakka maarke dargah legaye and dhakka maarke apne aap gaadi mai laake baitha diya (We didn’t walk, people pushed us to the Dargah and then back to the car)," he explained.

Watch the Full Interview of Bodyguard Yusuf Ibrahim:

Yusuf Ibrahim Reveals Police Lathi Charged to Control Crowds During Shah Rukh Khan's Visit to Ajmer Sharif

Yusuf Ibrahim said police used baton charge to control fans during Shah Rukh Khan's Ajmer Sharif visit, but the superstar stayed calm. “It was a difficult experience, police had to do lathi charge to disperse them from there. There was so much madness. It was a lifetime experience for me. When such situations happen, he is damn cool about it. Shah Rukh is damn cool when such situations happen, he knows that it’s not anyone’s fault – neither staff nor fans. It’s just the excitement of his fans, so everyone knows this is what happens. The temperament is always cool, nice and easy going," he added. Fact Check: Did Shah Rukh Khan and Aryan Khan Perform Umrah in Mecca and Medina? Here’s the Truth Behind the Viral Photos.

For the unversed, Yusuf Ibrahim is the trusted security expert for Bollywood A-listers, especially for weddings. He and his team have handled security for couples like Alia Bhatt-Ranbir Kapoor, Katrina Kaif-Vicky Kaushal and Varun Dhawan-Natasha Dalal. Meanwhile, workwise, Shah Rukh Khan will be next seen in King alongside his daughter Suhana Khan.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 10, 2025 08:37 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website