One of the most awaited films of 2024, Pushpa 2: The Rule, starring Allu Arjun, hit the theatres on December 5. The Sukumar directorial co-starring Rashmika Mandanna and Fahadh Faasil is making and breaking records at the box office and has already collected INR 900 crore globally. However, recently Tamil actor Siddharth recently found himself embroiled in a major controversy after he made a remark about the Allu Arjun starrer. The Chithha actor took a jibe at the Telugu film's Patna event and called it a "marketing strategy". He even compared it to people gathering to watch a JCB work. Bollywood singer Mika Singh has now reacted to Siddarth's Comments. ‘Pushpa 2 – The Rule’ Gwalior Show: Canteen Worker Brutally Bites Off Another Man’s Ear During Allu Arjun’s Blockbuster Movie’s Screening in Madhya Pradesh.
Mika Singh Slams Siddharth for His ‘JCB’ Comment About ‘Pushpa 2’ Event
Popular singer Mika Singh, who sang the track "Pushpa Pushpa" from Allu Arjun's Pushpa 2: The Rule, has shared his reaction to Siddharth's comments. Taking to his Instagram stories on Wednesday (December 11), he re-shared a post about the news and wrote, "Hello Siddharth bhai, aapke is comment pe ek baat acchi ho gayi hai ki aaj see logon ko thoda bohot aapka naam pata chal gaya hai. Socho abhi take to mujhe bhi nahi pata that ki aap kya karte hai." (Hello Siddharth, one good thing about your comment is that from today, people have started to know about you a little bit. In fact, even I had no idea about what you did for a living).
Mika Singh Slams Siddharth for His ‘JCB’ Comment
The reaction comes after Siddharth, who is busy promoting his upcoming film, Miss You, was asked to share his thoughts during a podcast about the massive crowd that attended Pushpa 2: The Rule event in Patna. Responding to it, the Indian 2 actor said, "That's also marketing. It isn't a big task to gather a crowd in India. If there are a couple of JCBs working in an area, people will come to see." He also said that the crowd doesn't reflect quality. ‘Pushpa 2: The Rule’ Movie Review: Allu Arjun Gets God-Elevated in Sukumar’s Meandering Hero-Worship Exercise (LatestLY Exclusive).
Check Out Siddharth’s Statement About ‘Pushpa 2’ Event:
Actor Siddharth downplayed the massive crowd at the #Pushpa2TheRule trailer launch in Patna, calling it a marketing strategy. #AlluArjun
— Mohammed Ihsan (@ihsan21792) December 10, 2024
Allu Arjun's Pushpa 2: The Rule is bankrolled by Mythri Movie Makers and Sukumar Writings. The Telugu action drama is all set to enter the INR 1000 crore club soon.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 11, 2024 06:30 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website