After Akshay Kumar and Kiara Advani's next Laxmii Bomb underwent a name change as Laxmii, thanks to the Shri Rajput Karni Sena, the makers released the first song of the movie. Titled "Bam Bholle", the song has become a rage on YouTube and is being loved by the masses. But did you know that the out of box number (in terms of visuals) was almost given away to a Telugu movie? And here's how Akshay Kumar came to the rescue. Laxmii Song Bam Bholle: Akshay Kumar's Super-Energetic Dancing in a Red Saree is An Easy Highlight of This Catchy Track (Watch Video).

Singer and rapper Viruss, who will be making his Bollywood debut with Bam Bholle, recently recalled how his original rap Bam Bhole, which was released by ACME MUSIC three years back, has been recreated by the emerging singer for this movie. He also recalled how the song was almost given away to a Telugu movie before Akshay Kumar intervened. Laxmii Bomb Is Now Laxmii! Akshay Kumar's Film Changes Title Over Outrage Days Before Its November 9 Release.

"Anup Paaji (also known as Ullumanati) came in touch with the makers and the music coordinator Azeem Dayani. Anup ji was initially planning to give this song to a Telugu film. But Akshay Kumar expressed his willingness to release it in his movie. That’s how we came to a conclusion and recreated this for ‘Laxmii’," revealed Viruss.

Talking about his big Bollywood break, Viruss recalled, "The original song "Bam Bhole" was already a hit with more than 350 Million+ views when the makers approached us. Everyone was already in love with it. However, they wanted to add more energy to the song as the story and the situation of the film required it. That is where Team Ullumanati stepped in and added more power and a Bollywood flavour to it and now, it definitely sounds like a Bholenath Bollywood anthem.”

Viruss also revealed that everyone including Akshay appreciated the work. “It was a great experience working with the whole team. Appreciations came from each one of them but the best one was from the man himself - Akshay Kumar. He told me that he had heard the original version earlier and absolutely loved it. He also added that the song has superb energy and a very positive vibe. He was very excited and energetic on the sets,” revealed Viruss.

"This is my first Bollywood song and the first one is always special. Moreover, this song has always been special to me as it has given me positive energy and blessings of Bholenath. This is definitely the best thing that has happened to me in my career and I’m looking forward to doing many other Bollywood songs in near future,” he concluded.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 05, 2020 08:09 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website