Arjun Kapoor is sporting a sharp new look for his upcoming film 'Kuttey', a dark comedy. Even though he misses his long hair, the actor says he had to let go of all inhibitions and really go deep into playing the character. Arjun has trimmed his hair considerably and is sporting a moustache and a stubble for Vishal Bhardwaj's son Aasmaan's directorial debut. Kuttey: Arjun Kapoor, Tabu, Naseeruddin Shah, Konkana Sen Sharma To Star in an Aasmaan V Bhardwaj Film.

He said: "As much as I am missing my long hair, it is part of an actor's journey to let go and begin again and in that milieu, a film like 'Kuttey' comes where you have to let go of all inhibitions and really go deep into playing the character." The actor says he loves his directors' clarity that he wanted him to have a particular look. Kuttey: Arjun Kapoor Is Hot as He Drops ‘Moustacheman’ Looks From His Next (View Pics).

He added: "And look like a person that blends in and is in every man. The character really needed that so I am really happy and excited that the look has come together and my Director is very happy and now I leave the rest to when the film comes out." Written by Aasmaan and Vishal Bhardwaj, 'Kuttey' also stars Naseeruddin Shah, Konkona Sen Sharma, Arjun Kapoor, Tabu and Radhika Madan. Apart from 'Kuttey', the other films in Arjun's kitty include 'Lady Killer' with Ajay Bahl and the yet-untitled Jagan Shakti directorial co-starring John Abraham.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 01, 2021 05:45 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website