Bollywood star Katrina Kaif on Saturday announced that she has finally tested negative for COVID-19 after contracting the deadly virus earlier this month. The Ek Tha Tiger star took to Instagram and shared a stunning picture at her home. The actor is seen dressed in pale yellow top and matching pants as she posed for the lens looking in a different direction than the camera. The actor was seen sporting a no-make-up look, as she keeps her locks open. The photo has a date stamp of 17.4,'21.' Entertainment News | Katrina Kaif Shares Mesmerising Quarantine Selfie, Reveals She Has Just Herself for Company
The actor also extended thanks to the people who checked up on her.
Katrina wrote in the caption to the post, "Shining sun emoticon negative (Shining sun emoticon) (everyone who checked up on me thank u, it was really sweet felt a lot of (love) and a yellow heart emoticon)." Katrina Kaif Shares Adorable Quarantine Pics, Actress Is Recovering From COVID-19 With ‘Time and Patience’
Celebrity followers including Gauri Khan and more than 81 thousand followers liked the post while scores of fans chimed into the comments section to congratulated the 'Namaste London' actor on her recovery. Earlier on April 6, Katrina informed she tested positive for COVID-19 on her Instagram story.
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Recently, Vicky Kaushal, Akshay Kumar, Govinda, Paresh Rawal, Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor, and Rohit Saraf, among others had tested positive for COVID-19. Earlier, Amitabh Bachchan, Abhishek Bachchan, Arjun Kapoor, Malaika Arora, and some others were also infected with the virus.
On the work front, Katrina has Tiger 3, Phone Bhoot, Sooryavanshi and a superhero movie with Ali Abbas Zafar coming up.