Kartik Aaryan will be next seen in Imtiaz Ali's yet untitled film. It is being dubbed as Love Aaj Kal 2, by the internet, for some reason. Maybe because, reports suggest that Imtiaz's production house has registered the title 'Aaj Kal'. More on that when the makers are ready to talk. But right now we have our hands on the latest pictures of Kartik, looking absolutely cute on the sets of the film. The shooting of the film is currently taking place on the streets of Udaipur and we already informed you that Karik had to go clean-shaven for this shooting schedule. Kartik can be seen dressed up as a schoolboy, riding a scooter. He looks so much like the part. And psst...Student of the Year 2, that is how you do it.

The first trailer of Student of the Year 2 was the butt of jokes because unlike any real college or school the entire setup looked. Coming back to Kartik's look, we can also spot a ring on his ears. Also, the sleek hairstyle is so adorable, albeit old school.

We don't know much about the context of these pictures. Next to no details of the plot or characters have been revealed by Imtiaz Ali. Kartik Aaryan on Luka Chuppi Completing 50 Days: I Believed in The Script and Knew It Was Going To Be An Entertainer.

Meanwhile, check out Tiger Shroff in Student of the Year 2:

The untitled film brings together Kartik Aaryan with Sara Ali Khan. Their fans had been rooting for them to come together ever since Sara joked about wanting to date Kartik, on an episode of Koffee with Karan 6. We hope their chemistry has just as much spark as these jokes had.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 19, 2019 11:12 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).