Kareena Kapoor Khan was last seen in the hit film, Good Newwz. Now, she is gearing up for the release of her next, Angrezi Medium. The actress has reduced the numbers of movies she appears in over the years. In an interview with Hindustan Times, the actress opened up: "I don’t need to work constantly to feel like a star. I am happy not to promote a film and just chill out and be with my son or watch a nice show or read a good book. I can’t work on a loop. I would like to a film when I can give my 100%." Deepika Padukone Is Also A Fan Of Taimur! Wants to Steal Him From Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor (Watch Video).

Kareena also revealed the golden advice that she recieved from her husband, Saif Ali Khan. "We talk about work but there are times when he tells me about letting it go. He often tells me that the tag of being super successful won’t last but being a great actor will," she said. Radhika Madan On Angrezi Medium: I Can't Believe I Am In The Same Frame As Irrfan Khan And Kareena Kapoor Khan.

Talking about working with Irrfan Khan in Angrezi Medium, Kareena said, "I think this film is extra special because I had worked with all the Khans except Irrfan. When this opportunity came in, I decided to take it up, as I am not sure I’d get another chance to work with him. He is one of the finest performers and such a fantastic actor."

After Angrezi Medium, Kareena will start shooting for Karan Johar's directorial, Takht. She is also busy shooting for Laal Singh Chadha, these days with Aamir Khan. The movie is the official adaptation of Forrest Gump. The rumours around Veere Di Wedding sequel are also rife.


(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 04, 2020 12:43 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).