Bollywood actress, Kareena Kapoor Khan on Tuesday via her official Instagram account announced that she and Saif Ali Khan will be supporting the many affected in the coronavirus crisis. Joining the league of numerous Bollywood stars who have pledged a sum to help the ones in need, Bebo and family have also come forward for the good deed. Kareena in her IG post mentioned that they will be supporting three organisations namely Unicef (United Nations Children’s Fund), Give India and International Association for Human Values. She also urged others to their bit. Vicky Kaushal Donates Rs 1 Crore to PM-CARES and Maharashtra CM Relief Fund to Combat COVID-19 Pandemic.

It's really great to see how Bollywood, as well as, South stars in India are making efforts and providing financial aid to a cause which is the need of the hour. “At difficult times like these, we need to come together and help each other. We both have taken steps to do just that and have pledged our support to UNICEF, GIVE INDIA and the International Association for Human Values (IAHV). We urge those of you who can to do the same. United we stand. Jai Hind. Kareena, Saif & Taimur,” Kareena's post read. Katrina Kaif Pledges to Contribute to PM CARES and Maharashtra Chief Minister’s Relief Fund Amid COVID-19 Crisis.

Check Out The Post Shared By Kareena Below:


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Till now, Bollywood celebs like Akshay Kumar, Nana Patekar, Katrina Kaif, Vicky Kaushal among many have joined the fight to curb the novel COVID-19 by donating in lakhs and crores to PM-CARES and Maharashtra CM Relief Fund. Finally, as Kareena says 'United We Stand' and that's what we all should practise during a crisis like this. Stay tuned!

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 31, 2020 05:51 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website