Kareena Kapoor Khan and Tiger Shroff are coming together for an event in Bhopal. Actually, they would be running. Both Kareena and Tiger are invited as chief guests for a half-marathon that will be held in the city on December 3. As per reports, this would be Kareena's first official visit in the city following her wedding to Saif Ali Khan back in 2012. However, there is a high possibility that both Tiger and Kareena might turn down the event, considering the fact that not everyone is happy about their arrival. Kareena Kapoor Khan ‘Just Could Not Say No’ to Lending Her Voice to Python ‘Kaa’ in Netflix’s Mowgli.
No, it has nothing to do with any dislike for these stars. The dates on which the half-marathon is arranged coincides with the 34th anniversary of Bhopal Gas Tragedy. For the uninitiated, Union Carbide is considered as one of the worst disasters the country has seen last century. On December 2-3., a gas leak in the Union Carbide plant killed thousands of people in the city and left many affected in the repercussions. There is a legal battle still going on between the survivors and the plant, and people in the state still mourn for the victims in these two days even today. Preity Zinta Says She Has Karmic Connection With Kareena Kapoor.
As per a report in Times of India, activists working for the survivors are protesting against such a happy event (the marathon) that is to be held on these days. So that's why they are requesting both Kareena and Tiger to back out from the event. Speaking to TOI, Rachna Dhingra, Bhopal Group for Information and Action (BGIA) representative, said, "Last year survivors of the Bhopal disaster had laid themselves down in the path of the runners to oppose the event that they equated to dancing on the graves of their dear departed. In amping up the song and dance this year the organisers are showing deliberate indifference to the ongoing death and suffering caused by the disaster on the same day 34-years ago."
The publication further stated that Kareena's team are yet to comment on her participation, when they got in touch with them. We sure hope that the stars back out of the program, respecting the sentiments of the citizens, or that they convince the organisers to change the dates.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 28, 2018 05:07 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).