Kareena Kapoor Khan, who is currently in South Africa, is having a gala time with her hubby Saif Ali Khan and son Taimur Ali Khan. The Pataudis zoomed off to SA over the weekend for a quick vacay to celebrate little Taimur's second birthday. Apart from that, Bebo and Saif will also be shooting for a television commercial in the port city of Cape Town. Though both Kareena and Saif aren't on social media, their latest holiday pictures have been ruling the internet courtesy the former's manager Poonam Damania. Just a while back, Damania shared some pictures of Kareena on her Instagram account and we gotta admit that Saif's begum looks drop-dead-gorgeous in her white beach dress. Guess when it comes to fashion, there's nothing that Bebo can do wrong.
Before flying to South Africa, Kareena and Saif hosted a party last week to celebrate Taimur's birthday in advance with his friends. Lil Tim, who is India's youngest heartthrob, will turn 2 on December 20 and we are pretty sure his birthday pictures will end up breaking the internet.
Anyway, for now, take a look at the pictures of Kareena enjoying some beach time with her family while looking like a diva.
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Sun ,Sand and Sea #kareenakapoorkhan enjoying every moment #southafrica #shootlife 🤩
Can you believe Bebo is 38?
We love Saif and Bebo but Taimur's naughty smile is the best part of this picture, no?
Meantime, on the professional front, Kareena will next be seen alongside Akshay Kumar in Good News which will release in July next year. The talented actress also has Karan Johar's big-budget directorial venture Takht on her plate. As for Saif, he will be seen in Navdeep Singh's next titled Hunter. The actor has also signed Anurag Basu's next which is a multi starrer and Nitin Kakkar's Jawani Janeman.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 19, 2018 07:45 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).