Karan Johar is on a roll it seems, as the filmmaker is thoroughly enjoying his quarantine period. KJo daily shares a video of his two kids, Yash and Roohi where the tiny tots go all unfiltered. From finding Shah Rukh Khan in Karan's closet, mocking his fashion sense to even body-shaming him, looks like the junior Johars love to talk in front of the camera. Teasing fans with a fresh new episode from #LockdownWithTheJohars series, in this one, we can see the munchkin disliking their papa's singing skills. Yep, looks like the kids are very much opinionated. Karan Johar's Kids Yash and Roohi Throw A 'Stupid' Shade On Dadda's Sunglasses Game (Watch Video).
Karan shared a video on IG where his fam can be seen having food, but it's the director who is throwing antics and wants to sing. Ahead, when KJo asks Yash that if he can sing, the little boy replies with a shady no. Nonetheless, Karan becomes adamant and finally croons Channa Mereya from Ae Dil Hai Mushkil while his kids shout ‘noo'. To this even his mother Hiroo adds that Karan can’t sing, but is better than father Yash Johar! Karan Johar's Son Yash Finds Kuch Kuch Hota Hai 'Boring,' Are Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol Listening? (Watch Video).
Check Out The Video Below:
Don't you love these videos of Karan and kids? We bet you cannot say NO! On a lighter note, we so feel that KJo's kids are just like him. What we mean here is that his children are so confident and goofy in front of the camera, ditto like daddy dearest. Let such funny posts keep on coming. Stay tuned!
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 09, 2020 03:23 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).