Actress Kangana Ranaut has ventured into the food and beverage business by opening a cafe and restaurant in her hometown Manali. On Tuesday, Kangana shared photographs from the location where her cafe will be set up. The actress calls this her dream venture, revealing that apart from cinema she is also passionate about food. Dhaakad: Kangana Ranaut Wraps Bhopal Schedule of Her Upcoming Action-Thriller, Actress Says ‘New Venture Coming Up’.
"Sharing my new venture my dream with you all, something which will bring us closer, other than movies my other passion food, taking baby steps in to FnB industry, building my first cafe and restaurant in Manali, thanks to my terrific team dreaming of something spectacular. Thanks," Kangana tweeted. Kangana Ranaut Visits Sree Jagannath Temple in Puri, Odisha.
The actress had recently hinted about her "new venture" on social media even though she did not divulge details about the same. After wrapping up shoot for the Bhopal schedule of her forthcoming spy thriller film "Dhaakad", Kangana tweeted on Sunday, hinting at her new venture.
Check Out Kangana Ranaut's Tweet Below:
Sharing my new venture my dream with you all,something which will bring us closer,other than movies my other passion food, taking baby steps in to FnB industry,building my first cafe and restaurant in Manali, thanks to my terrific team dreaming of something spectacular. Thanks 🙏
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) February 23, 2021
The actress had written: "Schedule wrap alert.... most wonderful people, thank you chief Razy and my dear friend Sohail, amazing team I had the time of my life. #Dhaakad is going to be something spectacular. Now running to another mission, new venture coming up."
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Feb 23, 2021 02:26 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website