Actress Kangana Ranaut on Tuesday declared she has raw talent like Oscar winning actress Meryl Streep, and skilled action capabilities and glamour like actress Gal Gadot. She also stated that she is "open for debate if anyone can show me more range and brilliance of craft than me by any other actress on this planet". The actress made her assertion sharing several images from her upcoming films, "Thalaivi" and "Dhaakad". The photographs show Kangana's physical transformation, when she gained weight for her role in "Thalaivi" and shed the extra kilos for the action film "Dhaakad". Kangana Ranaut Opens Up About Her Character in Dhaakad, Says ‘She Is My Depiction of Bhairavi, The Goddess of Death’
"Massive transformation alert, The kind of range I display as a performer no other actress on this globe has that right now, I have raw talent like Meryl Streep for layered character depictions but I can also do skilled action and glamour like Gal Gadot #Thalaivi #Dhaakad," she wrote. "I am open for debate if anyone can show me more range and brilliance of craft than me by any other actress on this planet I promise to give up my arrogance, until then I can surely afford the luxury of pride #Thalaivi #Dhaakad," she added. Dhaakad: Kangana Ranaut Shares Her Fiery Look from Upcoming Action-Thriller and it Looks Similar to GI Joe’s’ Sienna Miller
When one user wrote "Kangana and Meryl Streep in one breath? BLASPHEMY. Kangana is nowhere close to Meryl and can never be. Why is Kangana so pompous?", the actress wondered why many "worship white people". "I honestly want to know why do we worship white people? Forget their budgets and our age gap, tell me about just acting can she do Thalaivi and Dhaakad? Queen and Tanu? Fashion and Panga? Kaya and Datto? Answer is she can't, then why not emerge from the deep rooted complex?," Kangana shared.
Check Out Kangana Ranaut's Tweet Below:
Massive transformation alert, The kind of range I display as a performer no other actress on this globe has that right now, I have raw talent like Meryl Streep for layered character depictions but I can also do skilled action and glamour like Gal Gadot #Thalaivi #Dhaakad
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) February 9, 2021
"Thalaivi" is a biopic of late Tamil politician J. Jayalalithaa. The bilingual movie will trace the journey of the late leader from silver screen to politics. It is directed by AL Vijay, and also stars Arvind Swami, Prakash Raj, Madhoo and Bhagyashree. "Dhaakad" is a spy thriller in which Kangana will play the role of Agent Agni, while Arjun Rampal will be seen as the antagonist in the film. Arjun's character is named Rudraveer. The film is directed by Razneesh Razy Ghai, and slated to release on October 1, 2021.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Feb 09, 2021 05:04 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website