Kal Ho Naa Hoo will always be an iconic film in Bollywood. Starting from the storyline to the actors, everyone made their presence in the film. Be it Shah Rukh Khan or Little Jia aka Jhanak Shukla, who has grown up to be a beautiful lady and even got married recently. Yes, you heard that right. The Child actress from Kal Ho Naa Hoo and Karishma Ka Karishma married her long-time partner, Swapnil Suryawanshi, on December 12. As soon as the videos dropped on social media, fans quickly wished and congratulated the couple on their married life. Congratulations to the couple. Kal Ho Naa Ho Actress Jhanak Shukla Gets Engaged to Beau Swapnil Suryawanshi; Check Out Pics From Her Roka Ceremony!.

A Perfect Pair: Jhanak Shukla and Swapnil Suryawanshi’s Wedding Day Attire

For her big day, Jhanak Shukla opted for a breathtaking red saree with a golden border, exuding elegance and grace. Her groom, Swapnil Suryawanshi, looked equally dashing in a pristine white sherwani, perfectly complementing his bride. The couple shared their first picture as a married pair, holding hands with beaming smiles, radiating pure joy and anticipation for the future ahead.

Jhanak Shukhla and Swapnil Suryawanshi's Wedding

In another video, Jhanak's mother actress Supriya Shukla was seen wearing a beautiful yellow lehenga paired with a red blouse.

Who Is Swapnil Suryawanshi?

Jhanak Shukla's husband is Swapnil Suryawanshi. He is a Mechanical Engineer with an MBA. Additionally, Swapnil is a certified personal trainer, having earned his certification from the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM).

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 14, 2024 09:32 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).