Bollywood has been left in a state of mourning, that too on New Year's Day. Veteran Bollywood actor and dialogue writer Kader Khan has passed away on January 1, 2019. He was 81. Kader Khan was in Canada with his family when this happened. The actor has not been keeping well for the past few months, with reports saying that he was suffering from Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. He had been recently admitted to a hospital there after the actor had complained about breathlessness. The doctors were finding difficult to resuscitate him and they had shifted him from a regular ventilator to BiPAP ventilator, where he breathed his last. Kader Khan Passes Away at 81: India's Original King Of Comedy Breathes His Last In Canada!

His son Sarfaraz Khan, an actor himself who had worked in films like Tere Naam and Wanted, had confirmed this sad news to PTI. He also revealed that the last rites of the actor would be performed in Canada itself, as the entire family was there. Speaking to the news agency, he said, "My dad has left us. He passed away on December 31 at 6 pm as per Canadian time due to prolonged illness. He slipped into a coma in the afternoon. He was in the hospital for 16-17 weeks. The last rites will be performed here in Canada only. We have our entire family here and we live here so we are doing it." Kader Khan Dies at 81: 5 Most Memorable Performances by the Bollywood Legend for Us to Remember Him By!

Kader Khan was known for his villain and later, comic roles in Bollywood cinema of the '80s and '90s. His performances in films like Pataal Bhairavi, Hum, Aankhen, Biwi Ho Toh Aisi, Coolie No 1, Taqdeerwala, Coolie, Himmatwala, Dulhe Raja etc are considered as some of his best works in his career.

Kader Khan had also penned the dialogues of many Amitabh Bachchan superhits in the '80s like Ganga Jamuna Saraswati, Coolie, Desh Premee, Sharaabi, Suhaag, Muqaddar Ka Sikander and Amar Akbar Anthony. May his soul rest in peace.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 01, 2019 01:51 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website