The makers of Shahid Kapoor and Kiara Advani starrer Kabir Singh have released another song. The song is from the film named "Yeh Aaina" which stars Sasha and actress Nikita Dutta. While all this time the fans were raving about the chemistry between Shahid and Kiara. However, here, these two steal the show with their subtle bonding here. Nikita, who wasn't seen in the trailer looks pretty in this part. EXCLUSIVE: Nikita Dutta Opens Up On Her Stint in Kabir Singh, The Film’s ‘Toxic Masculinity’ and Much More….
Just like other songs, even this one seems like a wonderful rendition. Composed by Amaal Malika and sung by Shreya Ghoshal, the song is like a breath of fresh air. The lyrics are penned down by Irshad Kamil. Check out teh track below.
Kabir Singh Song:
Earlier, in an interview, she spoke about working in the film saying, "I play Jiya Sharma, an actress who falls in love with Kabir’s weirdness, which struck me as interesting. He interacts with everyone on the set, which is superb. He once told me that I am not expressive off-camera. My poker face makes it difficult for people to figure out what’s on my mind. I’m focussing more on the web space and films for now. I’ve disconnected with TV a bit though it wasn’t a conscious decision. I like it this way though."
Speaking of the film directed by Sandeep Vanga, it is getting a rave response at the ticket windows. The film also broke many box office records, including being Shahid's first solo 100. Tell us your take on the song in the comments section below.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 03, 2019 03:24 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website