Kangana Ranaut's latest release Judgementall Hai Kya is performing averagely at the Indian box office. Co-starring Rajkummar Rao and Jimmy Shergill, the movie took a decent opening on Friday and then fared well over the opening weekend. Though the film couldn't mint big money on Sunday as it should have, the quirky thriller still stayed steady at the ticket windows. On day 4, Judgementall Hai Kya had to get cash registers ringing in order to ensure a solid week 1 total. But sadly, Ekta Kapoor's production venture only managed to clock in Rs 2.25 crore on its first Monday as reported by Boxofficeindia.com. Judgementall Hai Kya Box Office Collection Day 3: Kangana Ranaut and Rajkummar Rao's Second Outing Has a Good Opening Weekend, Rakes in Rs 19.25 Crore

The trade portal has stated, "The four-day figures of the film are 21.50 crore nett and the week will end up with around 27 crore nett. The metros have fallen on Monday which does not give the film much hope going forward. Article 15 which had a similar weekend and trend collected 4 crore nett on Monday. This film needed to be at least 3 crore nett on Monday."

Further, talking about the box office fate of Judgementall Hai Kya, film trade analyst Sumit Kadel wrote on his Twitter timeline, "As per current trending #JudgementallHaiKya lifetime collection would wrap below ₹ 35 cr nett.  The film needs ₹ 45 cr for break even. Needs miraculous growth in coming days to avoid FLOP verdict at the box office." Kangana Ranaut’s Judgementall Hai Kya Poster Accused of Plagiarism! Visual Artist Points Out Uncanny Similarity to Her Work (See Pic)

Directed by Prakash Kovelamudi and written by Kanika Dhillon, Judgemental Hai Kya mostly received good reviews from the critics with Kangana and Rajkummar taking away all the praises for their nuanced performances in the quirky thriller.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 30, 2019 01:47 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).