Ekta Kapoor's production venture Judegementall Hai Kya seems to have slowed down at the Indian box office on weekdays. Though the movie opened to good reviews from the critics and performed well over the first three days, it hasn't really got cash registers ringing as one would have expected. Starring Kangana Ranaut and Rajkummar Rao in lead, the quirky thriller had an average first Monday and then witnessed a drop on Tuesday. As reported by Boxofficeindia.com, Judgementall Hai Kya minted Rs 2 crore on day 5, bringing its total collection to Rs 23.50 crore. Judgementall Hai Kya Box Office Collection Day 4: Kangana Ranaut, Rajkummar Rao and Jimmy Shergill's Film Does Decent Business on First Monday, Rakes in Over Rs 21 Crore
The trade portal has also stated in its report, "The drop is only 10% but films that don't open should not be dropping this much on the weekdays. The film also shows how Saturday growth now at even 50% or 60% hardly means anything as far as the long run is concerned. Now Sunday has become the important day for films that don't open. The five metros had done pretty well on Saturday for this film but now are falling fast. The first week collections of the film will be 27 crore nett approx." Judgementall Hai Kya Box Office Collection Day 3: Kangana Ranaut and Rajkummar Rao's Second Outing Has a Good Opening Weekend, Rakes in Rs 19.25 Crore
Judgementall Hai Kya, which is directed by Prakash Kovelamudi, is Kangana and Rajkummar's second film together after Queen which released way back in 2014. While the latter turned out to be a big blockbuster impressing the critics and audience alike, their newest offering may not taste the same success at the domestic box office. Nonetheless, both the actors are terrific in their new movie and that's one reason why Judgementall Hai Kya is still in the running to make an impact at the BO.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 31, 2019 02:55 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).