As his better half, Jaya Bachchan, turned 76 on Tuesday, megastar Amitabh Bachchan penned a note expressing his love and gratitude for her. The actor also shared that it was a "quiet family bring in" at midnight. Taking to the blog, Big B shared: “It is in the morn of another family birth... of which that has required no explanation... the better half celebrates her birthday TODAY, and all the greetings for her are recognised and shown gratitude, as always.” Jaya Bachchan Birthday: Sholay to Abhimaan, 5 Most Iconic Films of the Padma Shri Awardee.

“A quiet family 'bring in' for the 9th on the midnight hour... and the love of immediate family presence,” he added. In June 1973, Big B and Jaya Bachchan got married. The two have a daughter, Shweta, and a son, Abhishek Bachchan. Jaya Bachchan Turns 75: Abhishek Bachchan Wishes 'Ma' With an Old Picture and Emotional Note (View Post).

The two have worked together in films like Sholay, Abhimaan, Zanjeer, Chupke Chupke, Mili, and Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham, among others. The two were last seen together on screen in R Balki’s 2016 film Ki & Ka in a special cameo. The film originally starred Arjun Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor Khan.

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