Janhvi Kapoor sure knows how to make heads turn. The actress who is regularly spotted in her gym avatar post work out, changed into a glam avatar today as she was snapped by the paparazzi on her way out from the gym. The Kapoor girl was all dolled up to attend Sunita Kapoor's party. Janhvi's fashion game has been strong so far and we loved how the Dhadak girl chose to go for a poppy pink outfit for the party. This is the second time this week that Janhvi is giving us some serious fashion goals. We were already impressed by her amazing style at the Vimal Filmfare Awards 2019.

Janhvi was clicked wearing a bright pink dress designed by Pernia Qureshi. Along with the cute pinafore style dress, the actress was seen wearing light pink pumps. Given how friendly she is with the paparazzi, the actress made sure to flash her usual gorgeous smile she took off.  64th Vimal Filmfare Awards: Sara Ali Khan in a Traditional Lehenga or Janhvi Kapoor in an Elegant Gown, Who Stole The Show on the Red Carpet?

Take a look at her pictures here:

Jhanvi Kapoor spotted outside her gym.
Jhanvi Kapoor spotted outside her gym. (Photo Credits: Yogen Shah)

Janhvi Kapoor flashes her smile for shutterbugs:

Jhanvi Kapoor spotted outside her gym.
Jhanvi Kapoor spotted outside her gym. (Photo Credits: Yogen Shah)

After her impressive debut, Janhvi will be next seen in the Gunjan Saxena biopic, where the 22-year-old actress will essay the role of India's first IAF woman pilot. Apart from this, Janhvi has also been signed by Karan Johar's upcoming period drama titled Takht. We can't wait to see the actress back on the silver screen with her upcoming projects.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 25, 2019 06:07 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).