Janhvi Kapoor, who is yet to make her Bollywood debut, has already bagged a place on the latest magazine cover of Vogue issue. This is the very first magazine cover of this pretty daughter of late actress Sridevi. Wearing printed slit dresses, she looks beautiful in her own way. I mean, who would say that this is her first cover shoot for a popular magazine, right? With her make-up kept minimum by Subhash Vagal, the whole shoot focuses on her talkative eyes. The confidence and the poise that is needed for a diva, is carried by her with ace.
Both her flowy outfits are designed by Priyanka Kapadia and her hair is styled by Yianni Tsapatori. It would be safe to say that Ms Kapoor is a-hundred-percent ready to be a part of the big Bollywood world. Check out gorgeous photos here.
Speaking with Vogue, the Dhadak actress shared, "I am so proud of my parents. I need to make them as proud of me. That has always been my motivation. I want mine to be ‘the debut’. But it comes from an honest and sincere place. Mum always told me, it’s not about the kind of role or movie you do; you need to make an impression- that’s an actor’s job. She never encouraged jealousy or frustration. We’re capable of being happy for others.”
Well, she has all the blessings by her legendary actress-mother who herself ruled the silver screen like a queen for decades. Janhvi will be next seen in Shashank Khaitan's 'Dhadak' opposite Ishaan Khattar. The film is produced by Karan Johar's Dharma Productions.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 30, 2018 09:08 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).