A new song from the upcoming film, Jabariya Jodi, dropped on the internet today. The new number is titled Zilla Hilela and features Sidharth Malhotra. But instead of the lead heroine, Parineeti Chopra, the song features Elli AvrRam shaking a leg with the handsome boy, Sid. The two do look good together and add a charm to the recreation of a popular Bhojpuri song "UP Hile Zilla Hile" songNow, let us talk about music. Composed by Tanishk Bagchi, Zilla Hilela is easy on ears. You might also find yourself tapping your feet to it. Will it make you get up and do a full blown dance sequence on the floor? Doubt it. Jabariya Jodi Song Khadke Glassy: Sidharth Malhotra and Parineeti Chopra's Chemistry Looks Perfect In This Peppy Holi Track- Watch Video.

The best part about Zilla Hilela is the efforts put into it by the ensemble set of singers. Raja Hasan, Dev Negi, Pravesh Mallick, and Monali Thakur have lent their vocals to the song. When Monali sings her part, she lifts the number. The song will definitely find it's own fan base. Although, this rustic number will definitely be a TikTok favourite. Jabariya Jodi Trailer: 7 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Miss Watching the Promo of Sidharth Malhotra and Parineeti Chopra Starrer.

Check Out Zilla Hilela From Jabariya Jodi Here:

Jabariya Jodi is based on the malpractice of groom kidnapping that is prevalent in the Northern heartlands of India. The movie adds it's own unique twist to it, by making Sid who kidnaps grooms to help brides who are unable to pay dowry. Parineeti is added to the mix when she gets Sid kidnapped to marry him. Sounds like an idea.

Jabariya Jodi has been directed by Prashant Singh. The movie has been produced by Ekta Kapoor's production house. It is slated to release on August 2.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 11, 2019 05:57 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).