After Judgementall Hai Kya, Ekta Kapoor's next film is based on the practice of 'groom kidnapping' that is prevalent in some interior parts of the country. Titled Jabariya Jodi, the movie stars Sidharth Malhotra and Parineeti Chopra in the lead roles and is a romantic comedy, directed by Prashant Singh. Well, the trailer that released a few weeks ago definitely brought back loads of memories from Sid and Pari's Hasee Toh Phasee days. Jabariya Jodi will be releasing on August 9, 2019. Jabariya Jodi Trailer: 7 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Miss Watching the Promo of Sidharth Malhotra and Parineeti Chopra Starrer
After peppy numbers like Khadke Glassy, Zilla Hilela and Macchardaani, the makers released two romantic songs - Dhoonde Akhiyan and Ki Honda Pyaar which were received well by the audience. And now, the sixth song of the album has been dropped. Jabariya Jodi Song Zilla Hilela: Sidharth Malhotra and Elli AvrRam Groove to This Rustic Number – Watch Video
Take a Look At The Song Below:
Titled, Khwabfaroshi, this next release from Jabariya Jodi, is a song that narrates the hard parts of the relationship that Siddharth and Parineeti's characters share. From what appears to be their wedding, after Sid's character Abhay kidnaps Pari's character, the song showcases all of the pair's past moments and also showcases a few flashback scenes. Jabariya Jodi Gets Postponed to This Date! Will Sidharth Malhotra and Parineeti Chopra Starrer Get Advantage of Bakra Eid 2019?
And for all those people who were getting major Bekhayaali feels from Khwabfaroshi, let us tell you that it is because this song has been composed by the famous music composer duo Sachet Tandon and Parampara Thakur. What also looks strikingly pretty is Parineeti Chopra dyed red hair. All in all, Khwabfaroshi makes for the perfect song to portray ones' conflicting emotions.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 05, 2019 02:08 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website