Irrfan Khan's health has been a matter of concern for the longest time. The actor has been diagnosed with Neuroendocrine tumour and has been undergoing treatment for the same. A couple of days back, a popular journalist, Umair Sandhu had posted that Irrfan's health has been deteriorating and cited family sources for the news. Fans got all worried after reading the news and it started doing the rounds on the internet. Spokesperson of the actor have now released a statement asking fans to not believe any news that isn't coming directly from the actor or from his team. They have asked fans to not believe in any such rumours.

The statement reads, "This latest round of news being spread through social medial in last few days about Irrfan’s health is absolutely false and there’s no truth to it whatsoever. We as his family and friends again request the members of the media to continue their support and the prayers that have come Irrfans way. However it’s not right to spread rumours through mediums of social media without fact check or any official validation. In the meanwhile once again we request everyone to refrain from picking up social media statuses as affirmative developments on someone’s health." (ALSO READ: Irrfan Khan Health Update: Actor is Not Consulting Ayurveda Doctor to Treat Neuro-Endocrine Tumour, Confirms Spokesperson)

Irrfan had announced that he is suffering from the rare disease on Twitter and also added that he will be flying out of the country for treatment. Ever since he announced that he is suffering from neuroendocrine tumour, every time he tweets or posts anything or Instagram, fans start speculating about his health. Well, we hope that the actor gets well really soon and bounces back to work. What are your thoughts on this? Tell us in the comments below and stay tuned with us for more.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 11, 2018 08:44 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website