The fans were left disappointed after Salman Khan tweeted about the delay of his film with Sanjay Leela Bhansali,  Inshallah. However, it turns out that not just fans but the director himself was disappointed with that tweet! As per the latest report in, the superstar announced that the film won't release on Eid 2020 without consulting the maker. Hence, SLB decided to part ways and announced about the delay himself. Now, the report also suggests that he might just go ahead with this ambitious project without Salman Khan! Salman Khan Announces 'Inshallah' Delayed, One Day after Alia Bhatt Was Spotted at Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Office!.

A source close to the development told the entertainment portal, "Bhansali may still go ahead with Inshallah with a top star as his dates are locked with other actors and pre-production complete. Money has been invested so chances are film will be complete – but without Salman. That one tweet of his cost him Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Inshallah!"

What's Salman's loss might turn out to be someone else's huge gain! It is reported that the star did not inform the director or his own team before posting the tweet and had to face the repercussions later. Now, it will be interesting to see who steps into the shoes of the main lead and whether Alia Bhatt will still be the female lead.

Earlier, there were rumours that SLB is in talks with Shah Rukh Khan for his next film, after announcing that Inshallah is shelved. It has to be seen if fans are treated with SRK-Bhansali reunion instead of Salman-Bhansali reunion. Even though all the bhai fans will be utterly disappointed, audience might get to watch SRK-Alia pair once again (after Dear Zindagi). What are your guesses about the lead casting?

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 28, 2019 04:55 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website