A few days ago, the teaser of Arjun Kapoor’s next film, India’s Most Wanted, which has been directed by Raj Kumar Gupta dropped. The teaser introduced the audience to a terrorist who was the mastermind behind 52 bomb blasts in killing 433, and the film traces the journey of 5 intelligence officers who set out to nab the terrorist, who is being referred to as ‘India’s Osama’ in the film. India’s Most Wanted Trailer: Arjun Kapoor’s Intense Search For India’s Osama Is Terrifying and Gripping – Watch Video.
What really piqued the interest in the film is that it is based on true events, and there was a lot of speculation around who this deadly terrorist could be. The fact that there was complete silence around this terrorist also sparked a debate between supporters of political parties and a blame game on inaction on this terrorist ensued. The trailer of the film released recently, and focused on the journey of the unsung heroes who fought against odds to capture the terrorist. The terrorist was not named in the trailer either.
However, it has learnt from reliable sources, that the film is based on the story of the capture of Yasin Bhatkal, co-founder of Indian Mujahideen, who was captured at Nepal border in 2013. Bhatkal was the mastermind behind many attacks including Pune’s German Bakery blast, Bangalore stadium bombing and blasts in Ahmedabad. He was recently produced in court in Pune, where he pleaded not guilty. India’s Most Wanted: This Glimpse of Arjun Kapoor and His Team Hunting Down Nation’s Osama Makes Us Curious for the Trailer (Watch Video).
Talking about the film, India's Most Wanted stars Rajesh Sharma, Prashanth Alexander, Shantilal Mukherjee and Devendra Mishra in key roles, with Arjun Kapoor in the lead. Helmed by Raj Kumar Gupta, the movie is all set to hit the theatres on May 24. It was after the success of the 2018 film Raid that the director had confirmed he is working on a detective crime thriller.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 03, 2019 02:25 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).