After getting off to a slow start on Friday, Arjun Kapoor starrer India's Most Wanted performed a little better on Saturday, however, the collections were pretty low. Directed by Raj Kumar Gupta, the action thriller released on May 24 after creating decent hype in the media. But the film couldn't impress the critics and garnered mixed reviews from all quarters. And that certainly affected its business on day 1 as the movie opened to very low occupancy during the morning shows and then ended up raking in Rs 2.10 crore. India’s Most Wanted Box Office Collection Day 1: Arjun Kapoor’s Action Thriller Fails to Take a Good Opening on Friday, Rakes in Rs 2.10 Crore
On Saturday, India's Most Wanted picked up the pace and showed some growth at the box office. Announcing the same, film trade analyst Taran Adarsh took to the microblogging site Twitter and wrote, "#IndiasMostWanted witnessed 44.29% growth on Day 2, but, ideally, the biz should’ve doubled since Day 1 was extremely low... Needs to cover lost ground on Day 3 [today]... Fri 2.10 cr, Sat 3.03 cr. Total: ₹ 5.13 cr. India biz. #IMW."
Further, stated, "India's Most Wanted is a dull affair though it had growth of more than 35% on its second day. The collections on day one had sealed its fate and the jump is not much as the film had to do 80-100% as the opening day was too low." Box Office Report: India's Most Wanted Off to a Dull Start, PM Narendra Modi Witnesses Around 10 to 15% Occupancy
Going by the current trend, it's pretty much likely that Arjun starrer will end its theatrical run with below average figure unless it miraculously gets cash registers ringing from day 3 onwards.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 26, 2019 12:25 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website