Panaji, Sep 22 (PTI): Actor Poonam Pandey's husband Sam Bombay was arrested on Tuesday in Goa after she filed a complaint claiming he had molested, threatened and assaulted her, police said. The incident happened in Canacona village in south Goa where Pandey is currently shooting for a film, said an official. "Pandey filed a complaint late Monday night claiming her husband Sam Bombay had molested her and threatened her with dire consequences after assaulting her. He was arrested," Inspector Tukaram Chavan of Canacona police station said. The victim was subjected to mandatory medical tests, he added. Poonam Pandey and Beau Sam Bombay Get Married, Couple Shares Beautiful Pictures from Their Ceremony.

This shocking bit of news comes in barely days after the pair tied the knot in a low-key wedding on September 11, 2020 and engagement on July 23, both in Mumbai. Sam and Poonam had both shared pictures of their happy occasions on their respective social media accounts. Newly Married Poonam Pandey Talks About Her Low-Key Wedding, Shares That She Plans To Go To LA For Honeymoon.

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The actress, in an interview following her wedding, had revealed, “We are enjoying the honeymoon in our house as of now. But later, we plan to go to LA.” Looks like they flew into Goa to finish off work assignments and their future plans have now gone haywire, big time!