Singer Indeep Bakshi, popularly known for churning hit songs like Kala Chashma and Saturday Saturday has locked himself at his Delhi residence after he was attacked by goons many times. The singer has been receiving death threats for collaborating with Sumit Goswami for a song. Sumit is currently behind the bars for allegedly abetting the suicide of Aman Baisla, who had hung himself and accused the former of not returning his money. Now, as Sumit and Indeep's song Raaj was released a few days back, people are sending him death threats. Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah’s Samay Shah aka Gogi Files Police Complaint After Getting a Life Threat From Unidentified Gang of Boys.
As reported by Spotboye, Indeep Bakshi is saddened by the fact that people are doing this to him for working with an accused. In a conversation with the portal, the singer said, "I am an artist-producer, how would I be aware of someone’s personal life as I was only professionally associated with that person, that too on behalf of a song shot via the company. It doesn’t mean I am involved. For the company, controversy is good, that is totally their concern. I spoke to them, too."
"Earlier, this track was going to come in November. Then the video went viral (in which the deceased is seen naming Goswami as the reason behind his death). The track was shot two months ago, and came out in October," he added. Malvi Malhotra Opens Up On Her Stabbing, Reveals Her Attacker Yogesh Kumar Wanted to Injure Her Face.
Bakshi also expressed how he fears to go out. He said, "After the poster of Raaj came out, I went to a convenience store, and I had to filter whether people there are my fans or going to kill me after they recognised me. I ran from there. I posted a picture of my dad on social media on his birthday, and people wrote comments like ‘maar denge’. I can’t even ask for help, because nothing has happened. They’ll hit my car, and someone wrote on my bonnet ‘panga kyun liya’." Malvi Malhotra, Actress, Gets Stabbed With A Knife By Producer Yogesh Kumar: Reports.
"I’m not against anyone, I have only written the rap. More than half of the artists are scared of working with me now, because of the threats. My mom is crying all day long, I don’t know what to do. If you want, I will even stop singing as for me, my family is everything." he concludes. Stay tuned!
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 31, 2020 09:16 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website